Red Ribbon Week Is Here

Dan Thomas, News/Feature Writer

It is once again Red Ribbon week nationwide, meaning it is the time of year again where schools everywhere take their time to educate their students against the dangers of drugs. Statistics from the Drug Enforcement Administration show there were almost 28,723 people who died in the U.S. from drug induced causes since 2003. Red Ribbon Week is a way to push aside the negative thoughts, and think about the good that lies ahead for students – college, career, and family. Think about the good things in your life, not just the bad.
Students and faculty are participating in the fight against drugs by taking a part of Red Ribbon Week. Much like homecoming week, spirit days are a major part of the week. Everybody wears things such as team jerseys to represent teaming up against drugs. All this is to show that if you make the right choices in your life, you won’t have to worry about negative consequences.
Drug and alcohol problems are not going to stop instantly though. That is the reason that saying ‘no’ is stressed so much during Red Ribbon Week. Keeping your body healthy means you will never try things you know are bad for you. Don’t let others influence your thoughts and decisions. If you are stressed go for a bike ride, play a sport with friends, or do something else that you love. Drugs aren’t worth risking future for just a moment’s escape.