Apple Celebrates Earth Day 2021

Andrew Holt, J1 Guest Writer

Early on the morning of April 22, 2021, Apple celebrated Earth Day by announcing a digital keynote event back on April 20, making adjustments, upgrades, updates to current tech as well as bringing some new tech to the collection, such as a new color to the iPhone 12 models, new colors for iMacs (desktop mac computers), introducing new tracking devices known as AirTag, and much more. What they also did, specifically today given how it’s Earth Day, Apple made an announcement on a goal they have planned to happen for their current and future tech by 2030. 

Apple has a plan, and it’s gonna be a big one. Apple products are going carbon neutral in the next eight to nine years, and maybe beyond 2030. What this means is that during that time frame, Apple will be using 100% recycled or renewable resources/materials for iPads, iPhones, Macs, and more. They had announced something related to this last year, but they’re really going all out on this starting now, or in the near future. The materials they will be using consist of aluminum, steel, tin, tungsten, plastic from recycled products. They will also be growing enough trees and recycling enough paper to sustain all of its packaging for the products.

It may seem like much to take in, for me personally, I think they know what they’re doing, and how this can help the Earth in some way, and maybe the environment too.