Adventures in Real Time

Adelaide Risberg, Assistant Editor

Seventeen year old pop artist Dylan Gardner’s new album Adventures in Real Time was released at the beginning of January. With a blend of pop and all-around upbeat tunes, Gardner’s sound is welcomed rather reluctantly into the music world.

The album Adventures in Real Time contains ten songs, including the more popular “Let’s Get Started.” This toe-tap-alicious song will bring a smile to your face. The peppy lyrics combined with the upbeat tune take you to a wonderful place where rainbows shoot across the sky and your attempts to sing along don’t sound half bad.  Every time it plays again, my grin grows bigger.

To be honest, most of the music we review is from new artists that have no idea what they’re doing. While Gardner might be new at producing music, he isn’t at making it. Gardner can perfectly mix together a beautiful melody with catchy, but not simple, lyrics and a soothing tone that makes you feel good inside.

Gardner had to pick from a selection of some 100 songs he wrote for his first album. He started writing songs in 2010 and collected those for the album in 2012. When asked in an interview for the Huffington Post how he created so many songs, Gardner said  “I kind of had this undying energy to always do something creative before I went to sleep, otherwise I felt like I didn’t do my duty as a human that day.”

Despite having an album full of fantastic music, Gardner hasn’t been hit with a flood of fans like up-and-coming artists Rixton and Mary Lambert. But the album has only been out for a month, and my guess is that Gardner’s popularity will grow, especially after his tour starts at the beginning of this month.