The “Threat” of 5G
October 30, 2020
Faster, quicker, better. These three words define the goals of billions of people and thousands of companies. Constantly asking themselves and experts, how can we make it better? Why aren’t we improving this again? Why is this loading so slow? These questions are still asked daily by tons of people, even though two-and-a-half decades ago, the handheld technology we had was just coming into existence. We were just getting our first mobile cell phones that weighed five times of the smartphones we use today.
The newest wave of cellular service is known as 5G. This is supposed to be near a thousand times more efficient than 4G was. This can raise many questions, which it definitely has. This improvement seems almost too good to be true, which it isn’t. 5G is real and the speeds that it can obtain are incredible, but many people think it could come with consequences.
At first, these were just known as conspiracy theories. There were a handful of people across the nation that believed 5G would be harmful to us and our bodies. These fears were beginning to spread slowly and getting the attention of medical experts. Now, scientists have gone through experiments and discovered that the 5G waves do affect us. Dr. Ben-Ishai of Hebrew University discovered that 90% of the waves are absorbed by the epidermis and dermis (the two top layers of skin). Our skin has anywhere between 2-4 million sweat ducts. These waves can cause your sweat ducts to be harmed and the waves will most likely affect your stimuli.
Another bad effect of 5G waves is the effect it has on our eyes. In 1994, scientists performed a study on a rat. They exposed a rat to microwaves and if the rat was human, he would’ve needed cataracts surgery. With the 5G waves being much stronger than microwaves, you can only imagine what the effect would be for us if we are exposed to the waves for a long period of time.
A final reason why people are worried about the possibilities of 5G waves is the effect it has on plants. Biologists from Princeton University, the school that is known for their biology program, have held many studies measuring how 5G waves affect a plant’s growth and what it looks like. The plant begins to look like it does whenever there is a drought, even though they were being watered often. This raises many experts’ attention because biologists have compared human cells to plant cells for centuries. If a plant is affected this much by 5G waves for an extended period of time, who knows what the effects will be on humans once there are hundreds of towers in our neighborhoods.
The fear of 5G and how dangerous it could possibly be isn’t widespread yet, but many people are becoming skeptical of these waves. Tons of people believe that the advancements we have made as a country and a society are impressive, but there is a good chance that the new technology is going to come with a consequence. As long as companies want faster data speeds and to access the internet faster, these advancements are only going to continue. If 5G is dangerous, who knows what will happen once we create 6G, 7G, and onward.