HeForShe for Gender Equality


Dexter Andrews, Staff Writer

For years, students have had the opportunity to create an idea, rally their fellow students, and create clubs and organizations. These past few weeks have seen a new club come to light—HeForShe.

Senior Anya Eliseev is looking to bring this organization, started by the UN, to the spotlight at our school.

Over the past few weeks, she has been organizing HeForShe to be introduced into our school so all students can participate in a truly life-changing experience.

HeForShe is an International group created by UN Women that stands for the equality of all of humanity, expanding feminism to all aspects of the globe. The website, which you can access here, lists the HeForShe commitment:

  1. Express zero tolerance for discrimination and violence against women and girls.
  2. Believe in equal access to social, political, and economic opportunities.
  3. Understand that taking a stand for women and girls is taking a stand for humanity.
  4. Speak up when you see physical, emotional or sexual harassment.

Feminism, by definition, is the the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.

However, feminism isn’t always a word welcomed in society, even in today’s world.

“Feminism is often thought as an idea from women who are in the extreme. People often think of them when they think of feminism, the man-hating, bra-burning, where believing that women should be above men is an obvious thought, but feminism focuses on the desire for equality,” Anya said. “Definitely not man-hating, bra-burning, it’s just equality.”

Anya strived to push this group to impact the students’ lives around her.

“The main goal is just to make a comfortable environment where kids can be real with each other,” Anya said.

Often times, clubs and organizations get a slow start, but Anya believes HeForShe will start strong, emphasizing on the community that the group is all about.

“It’ll be based on having a lot of fun, being a group, rather than just teaching, and being more of a community where kids will be comfortable,” Anya said. “We’re gonna play a lot of games to try and get kids out of their comfort zone. So whenever we speak, it’ll be very real.”

Anya and the rest of her organization is ready for the club to become official.

“Hopefully it’ll start in the coming weeks,” Anya said. “Near Christmas break, we’re hoping to have elections for officers and the ambassadors.”

Political aspiration isn’t her goal for this club, however, she sees herself as more of a founder, wanting to see HeForShe get on a roll.

“I wouldn’t mind being the ambassador for seniors, but I’m hoping one of our other founding members is elected president. He’s a much better speaker than I am,” Anya said. “It’s called HeForShe for a reason, so it’d be better if a guy was president, it’d help emphasize what we stand for.”

Look for the HeForShe club in the coming weeks, and also pledge online here where you can promise to help fight for the mothers, wives, friends, and daughters in all of our live