Can Graffiti Be Considered Art?

Noel Ko, Journalism Staff Writer

Many people argue that graffiti cannot be considered a form of art. Its illicit properties give graffiti a bad name, creating a confusion of what it really is.

The Merriam-Webster: Dictionary and Thesaurus defines art as the application of human creative skill and imagination. It’s appreciated primarily for its beauty or emotional power. Graffiti can be put into an emotional form, and can definitely showcase beauty.

The purpose of graffiti art is self-expression and creativity. In most cases, it is illegal, but that doesn’t mean creativity and self-expression aren’t expressed within the work. People may use graffiti for bad intentions, but art isn’t specifically defined as a good deed. Art can be used with good or bad intentions. Either way it is a form of creativity and expression, and should be appreciated for its beauty.

Whether you agree or disagree, graffiti is still a method to express one’s self. The art of graffiti isn’t only the appearance, but the message as well.