Banquet Season

Sabrina Waite

It’s banquet season at FMHS. Banquets are a hybrid of dancing, eating, and awards. Usually they start with dinner, then awards, and finally the dancing part. They’re usually done by extracurriculars. Organizations from Rosettes, to the Basketball team, to French Club have banquets as a way to end the year on a high note.

“You get awards and then you have a dance party and it’s really fun,” said Grace Hess. Grace went to the Choir Banquet last year with Laura Weaver. “All banquets are different,” said Laura.

“Fancy French food makes me happy but it’s mostly fun to go with friends,” said Yashu Pericherla, who attended the French banquet. “For m, I loved it ‘cause I met one of my best friends [at the banquet.] It’s a celebration of the community.”