Wednesday 3/1/23

Hey Jags! Circle of Friends is selling Grand Ball tickets starting TODAY, tomorrow, and Friday at a table in front of the cafeteria! Tickets are $30. Stop by during your lunch for more information! We can’t wait to see you!


Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Flower Mound is now offering scholarships to high school seniors who are considering a healthcare profession. There are three $2500 scholarships to be awarded. The application is due March 22nd. Please pick up a copy of the application in front of the counseling office!


Students signed up to participate in Career Out this Friday need to pick up their meeting folders in Suite C ASAP. Students who have not turned in their permission slip forms need to do so no later than Thursday, March 2 in order to participate in Career Out on Friday. Forms can be turned in to the front office or Suite C.


Attention all AP students: Just 2 days from today until AP exam registration ends for the year on Friday, March 3rd at 3:00 pm. There will be NO MORE exam registrations after that date/time so go to the FMHS testing information website to register and pay for your exams.


The American Heart Association club is having their meeting this Wednesday, March 1st after school in Mrs. Wilson’s room 9224 in FM9. See you all there!


Hey Jags, Stuco will be selling Movie in the Park tickets during lunch starting this Thursday! Attend Movie in the Park to watch Despicable Me and gain 3 service hours! Tickets will be sold for $5 at lunch. Purchasing a ticket is worth 1 service hour and attendance of Movie in the Park is worth 2 service hours!