Monday 3/6/23

Are you interested in a career in education? Would you like to compete in events like these students did? It’s not too late to sign up for Instructional Practices in Education! See Mrs. Bell in room 1495 for more information!


Attention French Club members: Our next in-school meeting is Tuesday, March 7 at 7:45 or 3:45 in Madame Denton’s room. We will discuss our upcoming Movie Night. Merci!


Seniors – will you be exempting your 9-week course final? Exemption forms will be available for pick up with your attendance clerk in Suite B beginning Tuesday morning, March 7th. Your exemption sheet must be signed by your teacher by the end of the school day Wednesday, March 8. You will leave your signed form with the last teacher that signs your form or bring it back to Suite B. Don’t forget – if you are on the edge with absences, one more absence, even on exam day, will forfeit your exemption. If you have any questions regarding your absences, please see your attendance clerk!


Do you love to dance? Do you want to be a part of school spirit? Rosettes Drill Team Tryouts are coming up! There will be a mandatory meeting on Monday, March 6th at 7:00 pm in the FMHS cafeteria for those interested in trying out. Please be sure to attend with a parent or if you are unable to attend, please contact Ms. Elmore prior to the meeting. See you on Monday!


Hey Jags, don’t forget to purchase your Movie in the Park tickets during all lunches this week! Attend Movie in the Park to watch Despicable Me and gain 3 service hours! Tickets will be sold for $5 at lunch, purchasing a ticket is worth 1 service hour and attendance of Movie in the Park is worth 2 service hours!


Texas Association of Future Educators Teach Tomorrow Summit was held at the Kalahari Resort in Round Rock this past weekend and FMHS came away with some impressive awards. Gold awards were awarded to the Chapter Yearbook team of Linda Blanco, Isabella Hankins, Anna Schafer, Melissa Stahly. Kinley Broeker received the Judges’ Choice Award and Scholarship in Lesson Planning and Delivery – Humanities event. Taina Koga received the Judges’ Choice Award and Scholarship in Exploring Education Administration Careers event. Brooke Dasher and Melissa Stahly won first place in Interactive Bulletin Bulletin Board – Elementary Math. Huge congratulations to Kinley, Taina, Katie, Brooke, and Melissa for their national qualification! They will compete in Orlando in June!


Textbooks for the current 9 week courses ending March 10th, will be collected on Wednesday, March 8th. If you have checked out a textbook, be prepared to turn it in to your classroom teacher (for that subject) on or before March 8th. If you need to keep your textbook, to study for an exam, turn your book into Suite A no later than Friday, March 10th. We need every textbook back before the break. Thank you for your help with this.