In Flower Mound High School’s rendition of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit tells the story of a simple, ordinary-minded hobbit named Bilbo Baggins (played by Austin Lynch). Bilbo’s quiet, peaceful lifestyle in The Shire is interrupted by wizard Gandalf the Grey (played by James Koonce), who has a proposition. Gandalf is searching for an accomplice to go on a quest to reclaim a bounty of stolen gold led by Thorin Oakenshield (played by Claire Nielson) and his throng of dwarves. Although reluctant at first, Bilbo joins them, embarking a great journey.
Drama teacher Keli Wilson’s production of The Hobbit wowed the audience with an amazing performance by the Prents’, receiving a standing ovation from the crowd on their opening night, December 6th.The play was scheduled for December 6th-8th in anticipation of the movie’s release December 14th .
The production was filled with impressive effects, such as the pulley system used to pull the trolls off of the stage, beautiful set designs (Smaug’s cave), and an all-around great cast of young actors. The actors in the play conveyed their characters’ thoughts in such a way that made the audience truly feel as if they were actually on a journey in Middle-Earth.