What Not to Wear

Andrea Neal

This year, teachers and principals have been cracking down on dress code. Everything from leggings, to Nike shorts, to halter tops are included in the list of “what not to wear.”

“Students at the school look at the dress code from the wrong perspective I feel,” Assistant Principal Joseph Bracket said. “The dress code is in place to promote a sense of modesty and a positive environment for the students at FMHS.”

It hasn’t always been modest in the students’ eyes however, the school dress code used to have many more rules than there are now. Only in the past few years has it changed.

“The school dress code is different now from how it was in the past,” Mr. Bracket said. “We now allow band logo shirts, flip flops, and camouflage. These things weren’t allowed when the school first opened up for various reasons.”

Although the dress code has changed to be less firm, some students feel like it would be a lot easier to not have a dress code at all.

“It would be easier to just not have a dress code if it were my choice. It would let students have their own personal expression through what they wear,” sophomore Walter Robertson said.

Other students have different points of view.

“I feel like it would be a lot easier if the students to just have a dress code,” sophomore Hannah Gleason said, “It would be so much easier to already know what you were wearing to school, and not have to worry about what anyone thinks of you because of what you’re wearing.”

Although some students feel that the dress code is hindering their creative expression, Bracket said that the current dress code is widely tolerant by most standards.

“The dress code is impending on students’ personal style to an extent,” junior Hunter Hughes said.  “The way that some people like to dress is against school policy, and the punishment for wearing something considered inappropriate at school is too strict.”

The policy and punishment of dress code violations are centered on how many times you get in trouble. First offense, you get a warning and a chance to change.  The second time, however, students are sentenced to ISS for the remainder of the day.

There are many opinions about the dress code in place at school.  Whether the opinion is good or bad, students should abide by the rules that the school administrators put in place.