Monday 9/26/22

FMHS Toastmasters is meeting Wednesday, 3:45 in Room 1530. Come and listen to student speeches, practice speaking skills, and get feedback. No public speaking experience is required, everyone is welcome! 


Junior Classical League (aka Latin Club) meeting: Tuesday, September 27, 8 AM & 3:45 PM (pick one meeting, don’t come to both). We’ll train for the annual Mound Chow Down on Wednesday, September 28 at Cici’s Pizza! We’ll also cover Homecoming and continue to collect $10 dues and finalize club officers, venite omnes! 


Do you want to make a difference, not only in your school, but in your community and government? Do you want to learn more about gun reform? Have you ever wondered about the different sides of the politics surrounding gun control? Then join us for the first meeting of Students Demand Action this Thursday, on the 29th, after school in Room 2370, where we’ll learn about the impact of firearms across our nation and brainstorm ideas to enact meaningful change in our community.